
This is my notebook for economics...it's my hobby, not my profession. (I'm a mathematical physicist.) I don't know how frequently I'll post here, but I'll add notes as I read more.

I'll focus mostly on the theoretical side of things, but from time to time I'll probably do an empirical/historical "case study".

I'm taking notes on Piero Sraffa's Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities, but doubtless I'll include other topics.

Caution: I will use MathML when typesetting equations (obtained from MathJAX)...so if you don't have a browser supporting MathML, it may look bad!

How I Cite Things

In my own personal notes, I usually cite using parentheses: (title, pp.xx) where title is the title of the reference, "pp" refers to the page number, and "xx" is some pair of digits indicating where on the page it is — for example (Wealth of Nations, 123.25) refers to Adam Smith's Inquiry into the Wealth of Nations, page 123, about 25% from the top.

So "xx" indicates -- as a percentage -- how far from the top of page "pp" I refer to.

It's confusing, but hey it's better than saying (Wealth of Nations, somewhere).

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